Costas Inn

Three Health Benefits Of Eating Oysters

Although they feel slimy, oysters are one of the more underrated and healthy kinds of seafood you can eat. While they may appear unappealing to some, they are a prime example of a superfood. Continue reading to learn more about the many health benefits of oysters. 

Improve Your Heart Health

Did you know that oysters are a great addition to your diet? Not only do they taste delicious, but they also have health benefits. Oysters contain high levels of magnesium and potassium, which can aid in reducing blood pressure by relaxing blood arteries. These seafood delicacies are also a great source of vitamin E, which is known to strengthen and stretch cell membranes. This helps the heart decrease plaque buildup and prevents it from adhering to blood vessels and artery walls. So, the next time you have the chance to include oysters in your meal at Costas Inn, go for it!

Oysters Can Help Strengthen Your Eyes

Did you know that including oysters in your diet can benefit your eye health? Oysters are a rich source of zinc, a mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining the fine pigmentation within the retina. This essential mineral can help preserve your eyesight and prevent age-related vision loss. So, to boost your eye health, consider adding this type seafood to your diet.

Enhance Brain Functionality 

Did you know that zinc, B12, omega-three fatty acids, and iron can contribute to sustaining and improving brain function? These vitamins enhance focus and concentration and maintain optimal cognitive performance. In addition to supporting eye health, the high levels of zinc found in oysters are essential in promoting overall brain health.

Strengthen Your Immune System

Oysters are an excellent source of essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids that can boost your immune system naturally. They are rich in zinc, vital in supporting immune function, and promoting wound healing. Additionally, oysters contain high levels of iron, copper, and selenium, essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Regular oyster consumption can also help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and improve brain function. Therefore, adding oysters to your diet can quickly and easily improve your overall health and well-being.


Costas Inn has been an area icon, slinging the best crabs in Baltimore for over 50 years!

You may recognize our restaurant recently featured on the Food Network with Michael Symon on Burgers, Brew, and ‘Que! We were also voted the #1 Baltimore Seafood Restaurant by USA Today and #1 Crab Restaurant in the Baltimore Business Journal. You may have also spotted Costas Inn during one of our nine appearances on the Today Show or heard one of our many interviews on WJZ TV Channel 13 with Ron Matz and Marty Bass.

You can enjoy our famous crab cakes in-house or order them online for any time eating. We also provide some of the best seafood catering in the Baltimore area! Of course, you can also get your fill from Costas even when you’re not in our dining room: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube!