Costas Inn

Make a Resolution to Eat Healthier this Year

Soft shell crabs are not only delicious but healthy, too!

Every year, most people make resolutions to change their bad habits, whether that means eating healthier, exercising more, or finally cleaning out the junk drawer. At Costas Inn, we are happy to help you make your healthy eating resolutions a reality this year with our wholesome and nutritious seafood. Here are some of the top benefits seafood offers healthy eaters and indulgers alike.

Skip the Multivitamin

Seafood provides a ton of nutrients in even small servings. If your resolution involves eating healthier, why not put down the vitamin bottle and enjoy vitamin and mineral-rich seafood? Our seafood contains B-complex vitamins (B1, B3, biotin, B12, and more), vitamin D, and vitamin D. All of these vitamins are necessary to lead a happy and healthy life—who thought it could taste so good?

Heart and Joint Health

If your resolution to eat healthier seems difficult to achieve, focus on the huge benefits your whole body can reap. Incorporating more seafood into your diet can help with your heart and joint health as well. Omega-3 fatty acids are excellent for maintaining heart health. They have been proven to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and eating them in seafood is healthier than taking them in supplement form. In addition to heart health, omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce arthritis symptoms.

Give Your Brain a Boost

Eating healthier can also help your brain too. The omega-3s specifically found in forms of seafood have been clinically proven to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. DHA and EPA are also used to help boost the brainpower of young children as they develop. If you are tired of shaking off brain fog in the afternoon (or morning), incorporate more seafood into your diet as one of your resolutions. You’ll notice the difference in your professional and personal lives!

Eat Healthy All Year with Costas Inn

Costas Inn is a family owned and operated restaurant that has been serving the Baltimore area for over 40 years. In 2015, we were voted Baltimore’s best seafood restaurant by USA Today (and we have a feeling it has something to do with our excellent crabs). Enjoy our crab cakes in our restaurant or order them online to be delivered to your doorstep in time for all of your resolutions. Still hungry? Visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest for more. Costas Inn: a Baltimore tradition since 1971!