Costas Inn

What Exactly Is Ceviche? And Why You Should Eat It

Are you tired of the same old seafood dishes and want to try something new for dinner tonight? One seafood dish that flies under the radar is ceviche. It’s a refreshing and unique dish that will leave you wanting more. Continue reading to learn more about this unique seafood dish.

Ceviche At Costas Inn

Costas Inn’s signature recipe features a delectable combination of fresh calamari, shrimp, and scallops marinated in freshly squeezed lemon and lime juices. The citrus enhances the seafood flavors, providing a burst of freshness. We also add onions, tomatoes, peppers, and herbs to enhance the flavor. 

Where Does Ceviche Originate From?

Ceviche is a delectable seafood dish widely popular throughout Latin America. This tangy meal is traditionally made with raw fish and is known by different names such as cebiche, cebiche, or seviche. While its origin is debatable, it is widely accepted that Peru is the birthplace of ceviche, where it has been declared the national food.

What Exactly Does Ceviche Taste Like?

Ceviche is known for its bold and vibrant flavors. This dish is traditionally made by marinating raw fish or seafood in citrus juices, such as lime or lemon, which gives it a refreshing and zesty taste. The acidic marinade helps “cook” the fish, making it firm while providing a fresh flavor. Also, ceviche is often seasoned with fresh herbs like cilantro and spicy peppers like jalapenos, which add flavor to the dish. Despite its small portion size, ceviche is packed with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins, making it a healthy and satisfying meal option.


Costas Inn has been an area icon, slinging the best crabs in Baltimore for over 50 years!

You may recognize our restaurant recently featured on the Food Network with Michael Symon on Burgers, Brew, and ‘Que! We were also voted the #1 Baltimore Seafood Restaurant by USA 

Today and #1 Crab Restaurant in the Baltimore Business Journal. You may have also spotted Costas Inn during one of our nine appearances on the Today Show or heard one of our many interviews on WJZ TV Channel 13 with Ron Matz and Marty Bass.

You can enjoy our famous crab cakes in-house or order them online for any time eating. We also provide some of the best seafood catering in the Baltimore area! Of course, you can also get your fill from Costas even when you’re not in our dining room: follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube!