Costas Inn

Great News: Costas Inn is #1 on Baltimore Business Journal's "Top of the List"!

The reviews are in (literally)! Costas Inn is the #1 crab restaurant in the Baltimore area, according to the new edition of the Baltimore Business Journal. The issue, which will be on stands this Friday, highlights crab houses from all around the Baltimore area. Costas Inn, on the basis of star ratings and reviews, was picked as the #1 crab house by the Baltimore Business Journal.

Check out the Baltimore Business Journal link and celebrate this ranking with us by ordering some Costas Inn crab cakes!

We here at Costas Inn are incredibly excited to be ranked #1, but it’s no secret that our crab cakes are delactable and delicious. They were featured on The TODAY Show cooking up one of Kathie Lee’s “favorite dishes” on her birthday!  We’ve also had celebrities such as Al Roker from The TODAY Show and John Ratzenberger [pictured below] (Cliff Calvin from Cheers, Hamm from Tou Story).



So order some crab cakes today online or make a reservation at our restaurant in Baltimore and see for yourself why our crab cakes are a delectable treat that people all over Maryland and all over the entire country can’t get enough of. And since we recently discounted our shipping rates, there is no better time than now to get your hands on some Maryland crab cakes. We also do catering!

We’re a family owned business since 1971. Our world famous crabs are flown in daily, hand sorted and graded to ensure only the freshest and fullest available. Try our award winning crab cakes and made to order entrees. Zagat rated since 1999. Best Crabs, Best Pit Beef and we’ve been previously rated by the Baltimore Business Journal and Baltimore Magazine.

Get your fill from Costas even when you’re not in our dining room: follow us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+Pinterest, and YouTube!